Great edit from the Suzuki BMX Masters 2006 by Global Flat, that Alejandro Marques recently re-uploaded. So much good riding in this from the likes of Justin Miller, Adam Kun, Kotaro Tanaka, Martti Kuoppa, Matthias Dandois, Viki Gomez, Nathan Penonzek, and many more. Well worth watching this one….
Tag Archives: Adam Kun
Throwback Thursdays – Fise Edmonton 2016
Last year the crowd was went off at Fise Edmonton, this week the event returns. It seems as good a time as any to re up some highlights from the finals featuring Alex Jumelin, Matthias Dandois, Percy marshall, Adam Kun, Joris Bretagnolles, Jean William Prevost, feel the energy!
Trickstars 4 – American Influence
Brandon Woldridge just sent in another nice video from the archives, this time from 2002 we have Trickstars 4! Featuring: Martti Kuoppa, Trevor Meyer, Matti Rose, Hiro Morisake, Viki Gomez, Phil Dolan, Chad DeGroot, James White, Effraim Catlow, Alex Jumelin, Stephen Cerra, Frank Lukas, Ulrich Kittel, Peter Szabolcsi, Adam Kun, Valter Monchique, E. Butcher and OG Marton.
FISE World Edmonton 2016 Highlights
Hit play for a sweet Official highlights edit from the Fise World contest in Edmonton, Canada featuring Alex Jumelin, Matthias Dandois, Percy Marshall, Adam Kun, Joris Bretagnolles, Jean William Prevost, and Benjamin Hudson.
BMX Masters 2006
David Hoffmann sent in this awesome agoride edit from the BMX Masters 2006, I’m not sure if I posted this before or not.
Nevertheless, this is certainly worth a rewatch! One of the most important events on the flatland contest calendar, that retains a certain aura year to year when I’m there. Hit play for amazing combos from the likes of Viki Gomez, Martti Kuoppa, Matthias Dandois, Adam Kun, Seppl, Justin Miller (Kickflip backpacker line at 2:28 into his hitch kickflip backpacker!), Chris Bohm, Bram Verhallen (lookout for his Xft 360 Kickflip hitch at 1:34!), Frank Lucas, Kotaro Tanaka, Wolfgang Sauter and Keelan Phillips.
Fise Pro Flat Qualifier – Denver
Lot of raw contest footage from the Fise events recently, Jason Rideout sent in this sweet edit from the Fise Pro flat qualifiers a few weeks back in Denver, Colorado. Featuring the likes of Brian Gavagan, Bryan Huffman, Omari Cato, Benjamin Hudson, James McGraw, Alex Jumelin, Matthias Dandois, Adam KUn, Stephen Cerra and many more!
Alex Jumelin wins Fise World Edmonton Canada!
Photo: Joris Bretagnolles.
Congratulations to Alex Jumelin who last night won the Fise World stop in Edmonton, Canada followed on the podium by Matthias Dandois who won the Fise world series for 2016, and Adam Kun took the the third place spot. You can catch up on the contest over on the Fise Facebook page, we have already a couple of highlight videos from the top three below. Amazing crowds in Edmonton, enjoy!
Fise World Denver 2016 Official Highlights
Good vibes in this official highlights edit from the Fise World contest in Denver, contest season is moving very fast right now. And this weekend the Fise World series moves to Edmonton, Canada!
FISE Denver 2016 – Pro BMX Flatland Qualification Runs
FISE Denver 2016 – Pro BMX Flatland Qualification Runs from Henry Wagner on Vimeo.
At 44 minutes long, when you have some spare time to kill grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy the Pro flatland qualification runs from Fise Denver last weekend. Featuring Brian Gavagan, Stephen Cerra, Benjamin Hudson, Bryan Huffman, Adam Kun, James McGraw, Omari Cato, Bo Wade, Takuji Kasahara, Williams Perez, Joris Bretagnolles, Alex Jumelin, and Matthias Dandois. Shoutout to Henry Wagner and his bro, for taking the time to do this!
Matthias Dandois wins Fise World in Denver, Colorado!
Photo: Danny Josa.
Congratulations to Matthias Dandois, who took the win at the FiseWorld contest last night in Denver, Colorado USA, followed by Adam Kun and Joris Bretagnolles. You can check some of the final three rider battle highlights below: