Small edit from the Fight the Winter 2020 Jam Day, featuring Jorrit Van Drumpt, Masato Ito, Gino Stuart and Nico Bergmann. Filmed with iPhone 5S edit by DasOwaL
Tag Archives: Jorrit van Drumpt
Jorrit van Drumpt wins Underground Jam
Dez Maarsen threw an Underground contest in Delft, Holland yesterday. Congratulations to Jorrit van Drumpt who took the top honours, followed by Sietse van Berkel, and Gilles van de Sompel. Good vibes from Holland, this sounds a whole lot of fun! Just found the video online by Erik Hogers, enjoy!
Repo: iBMXff World Championships NASS
Text: Effraim.
Photography: Effraim and Ged McConville.
Like everyone when the iBMXff World Championships were announced a few months back, I thought “Where the hell is Flatland?”, there were various trains of thoughts from most of the flatland community, but it seemed summed up with “it’s not the worlds without flatland”, emails went back and forth. If I am being honest, I didn’t think Flatland would be included with budgets and all….
Takahiro Ikeda, Xft no handed straddle time machine on his way to a huge second place.
Soulcycle Championship highlights
Wouter van der Linde is on point with updates from the Soulcycle Championships in Amsterdam, Holland this weekend. A few of you commented that you had trouble watching the final 4 man battle, this should be fine.
Riders in order of appearance:
-Jorrit van Drumpt
-Etienne Giraud
-Gino Stuart
-Sietse van Berkel
-Gilles van de Sompel
-David Hoffman
-Dez Maarsen
-Dominik Nekolny