Wow, this section takes me back! The Toronto contest back in 1996, Chad Degroot fresh on Schwinn, Chase Gouin ripping, Steve Mulder, Nate Hansen, Dan Rigby, Andrew Faris and many more. Stoked to see this footage online although the music is changed and threw me off a bit.
Tag Archives: Steve Mulder
Midwest Flatland Jam 2017
Midwest Flatland Jam 2017 from Anthony Schneidewind on Vimeo.
Anthony Schneidewind just came through with a really nice edit from the Midwest Flatland jam a few weeks back at the Q Skatepark in Indianapolis, USA. Featuring Steve Mulder, Bill Nitschke, Chris Armstrong, Jake Jackson, Burd Phillips, Kevin Washington, Scott Byrd, Marty Clark, Tony Schneidewind, and many more. Great stuff from Indianapolis!
Lookback: July – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards
It’s new years eve 2016, today it is time to lookback over what happened in the month of June. Which turned out to be a pivotal moment in the contest season.
July begun with a trip out to the annual BMX Cologne contest, Viki Gomez took the top spot followed by Alex Jumelin and Matthias Dandois. Watch Viki’s run below!
Old School Sundays – 1989 Great Lakes FreeStyle Contest + Pete Brandt
Great footage from the archives sent in from Jffe. Filmed by John Preville, 1989 Great Lakes Freestyle Contest footage, featuring the likes of Steve Mulder, Bill Neumann (how dialled was Bill Neumann!!!) plus parking lot footage from i’m guessing the Virginia Make A Wish Foundation Contest, great practise footage of Mike Schmed and Pete Brandt going off during the Ozone era! Posted this a few years back, certainly worth a re-up, when you got a few spare minutes, sit down and enjoy this one!
Throwback Thursdays – 1999 X Games
For this weeks throwback I got back to the X Games in 1999 in San Francisco, Michael Steingraber, Trevor Meyer, Phil Dolan and Nathan Penonzek battle it out for the gold medal. Great memories from these events!
Old School Sundays – Ohio AFA 1988
Great contest footage from the archive today from jsong1974. This Ohio AFA 1988 contest edit features amazing riding from Gerry Smith, Joe Gruttola, Krys Dauchy, Jeff Cotter, Steve Mulder and unidentified last rider, maybe Todd Carter can help with that.
Bikecheck: Steve Mulder’s Subrosa DTT Flatt!
Steve Mulder has a dope bikecheck up on the Subrosa website! How sick is that bikeflip shot!!!!
Woodward CFB 2001 – Practise footage featuring Steve Mulder and many more
Steve Mulder, TJ Perry and many others feature in this Woodward CFB 2001 edit. Shame the volume isnt lil’ louder. Check it out!
Must Watch! Trickstars 2!
TrickStars2 from Trick Stars videos on Vimeo.
Another amazing video from the OG Marton archives. Trickstars 2! Pretty much all filmed in 1999, as well as that the year this video came out! Featuring the riding of OG Marton, Chad Degroot, Trevor Meyer, Jason Brown, Steve Mulder, yours truly, Day Smith, Andrew Faris, Phil Dolan, Alex Jumelin, Ulrich Kittel, Martti Kuoppa, Harold Schmidt, Pal Gyenes, Robert Voller, and many others.
Steve Mulder – 5 Brakeless Hangliders!
This is amazing! Hangliders are without a doubt one of the toughest boomerangs out there, but multiple and brakeless, and five! Wow!