Unscripted – A Flatland Film 2021

Unscripted – A Flatland Film 2021 is available for download right now, Stewart Munro’s latest video project. Looking forward to sitting down and watching this one later today!

”Unscripted is a new full-length video showcasing some of the best flatlanders from around the world featuring Kio Hayakawa, Masato Ito, Nick Watts, Simon O’Brien, Clint Millar, Jody Temple, Paul Chamberlain, Pete Brandt, Ruo Hayakawa, Yoshihiro Shinde, Trevor Meyer and Viki Gomez.” Run Time – 1 hour .

Link to buy – https://kfc.gumroad.com/l/qFmTD

Must Watch: Moto Sasaki Private Jam

So much to love about this new “Moto Sasaki Private Jam” edit by Jimalog. After a quiet spell, it seems Spring time is here, and the flood gates are opening on “Must watch” edits, and boy this is a treat.
The big news here is Moto Sasaki got a private spot, what I love about this, is rather than keeping it to himself he’s bringing in the next generation of shredders into enjoy this blessing.
As you already will know, the riding level is ridiculous with standouts from Yu Shoji, Kio Hayakawa and the ender from Moto Sasaki!
But there is plenty more from the likes of Akihiko Takahashi, Masashi Itani, Yuta Watanabe, Ruo Hayakawa, Yuo Hayakawa, Takashi Ishida, Koh Yoshida. Nao Yoshida, and Ryuga Matumura.

This edit got me so amped to ride, thanks Moto and Jimalog for sharing this, and all the heads involved providing the feel good vibes!

This one is on repeat today!